frequently asked questions

  • At this time, we only offer the program for males.

  • You must be 18 years or older. Minors over 14 years of age will be considered if accompanied by a guardian.

  • Spaces are limited so sign up as soon as possible.

  • We can discuss this on a situational basis. Please contact us directly on whatsapp at 966594772643 or through email.

  • This program includes not only lessons in Arabic and Quran but accommodation, transportation for events on the itinerary, books, one daily meal, excursions and an umrah trip etc.

    Due to our program being offered to different nationalities, the logistics and the price difference due to your location would make it nearly impossible to manage. Furthermore, we believe that booking on your own will make youbenefit from discounts and a better management of your trip.

  • You can visit If you have any further questions contact us on whatsapp at 966594772643 or through our email at

  • While it will depend on your study group, you will attend:

    • Quran at Masjid an-Nabawi for 2-3 hours daily.

    • Arabic lessons for at least 3 hours daily.

    • One daily meal provided.

    • Visits to sites in Makkah and Madinah

    • Real world practice of the Arabic you learn.

    • At least 2 prayers at Masjid an-Nabawi.

  • Yes, you will be free to sleep, shop or explore the city outside program hours.

  • Madinah was voted the safest city for female solo travellers. We will provide you with the phone numbers of our staff so that you can always contact us.

  • It will include:

    • Transportation to and from Madinah to Makkah.

    • Ihram and duaa book.

    • Hotel.

    • At least one daily meal.

    • A pre-umrah lesson to teach you about umrah rituals.

    • Guides from our staff.

  • Please share your travel details as soon as possible as we will arrange transportation to your accommodations.

  • Deposits are non-refundable. The remainder of your balance is due on arrival.

  • Health insurance is included in the visa used to you by the Saudi government. Please read the details of terms and conditions on their site.

  • This program is aimed at those who are serious about learning Quran and Arabic. We pray that Allaah accepts it from us.

  • You can continue where you left off InshaAllaah.

  • Definitely. Please contact us when you are ready to return.

  • Yes, you can. If you do so before the program start date, please pay the remainder of your adjusted balance on arrival.

    If you are already in Madinah, we will do our best to accommodate you.

    Note, that you are responsible for changes to your return flight home and to your visa.

  • Arabic teachers are experienced Native speakers who have graduated from Islamic universities in the Kingdom. The Quran teachers are those working for the Masjid an-Nabawi Quran program. They have been chosen by our Quran specialist who has trained a generation of Quran teachers in Madinah.

  • We can provide an extra day at no cost. Additional days will come at a charge of $100 USD a day. You are welcome to continue attending all itinerary items.